philosophy of Javanese puppet

philosophy of Javanese puppet
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WAR Bharatayudha; Lust Best Wreck

WAR Bharatayudha; Lust At Wreck with regard Kumbayaka Arya, Arya Sucitra, Astina, Bambang Aswatama, Bharatayudha, Cundamanik, Goddess Gandarini, Gandawati Goddess, Goddess Kumbini, Drestadyumna, Drestajumena, Drupadi, Durna, Kurawa, Arrow rejected, Pandudewanata, War, King Drupada, sage, sage Baratmadya, Resi Durna, Heroine


King Drupada

King Drupada a youth named Arya Sucitra time, was the son of Hargajambangan Dupara Arya, and is the seventh descendant of Brahma Bathara. Arya Sucitra brothers cousins with Bambang Kumbayana / Resi Durna and become brothers seperguruan both sit on Resi Baratmadya. To search for life experience, Arya Sucitra leave Hargajembangan, devoting himself to the country presented to King Pandudewanata Astina. Arya Sucitra pursue the ins and outs of state administration and governance. Because compliance and kebaktiannya to the state, by King Pandu it in Match / mated with the Goddess Gandawati, eldest daughter of King Gandabayu with Dewi Gandarini from Pancala country. From that marriage he obtained three sons each named; Drupadi Goddess, Goddess of Heroine and Arya Drestadyumna. When King Gandabayu died, and berputra crown refused to be king Gandamana Arya, Arya Sucitra Pancala crowned king with the title of King Drupada. In times of its power, King Drupada disagree with Resi Durna, and half of the territory seized by force Pancala through warfare by Resi Durna with the help of children and Kurawa Pandavas. In the great war Bharatayuda, King Drupada Pandavas appeared as Senapati war. He fell against Resi Durna exposed Cundamanik arrows.

Resi Durna

Resi Durna which time his young son named Bambang Kumbayana is Resi Baratmadya from Hargajembangan with Dewi Kumbini. Resi Durna have sons of my mother named his half-brother: Arya Kumbayaka and Goddess Kumbayani. Resi Durna character; snobbish, pompous, arrogant, ruthless, a lot of talking, but the skill, ingenuity, cleverness and kesaktiannnya extraordinary and highly skilled in war tactics. Because of his supernatural powers and skill in soldiering though, Resi Durna believed to be a teacher of children and Kurawa Pandavas. Resi Durna have tangible heirloom keris sakti called Cundamanik and arrows rejected (given to Arjuna). Resi Durna married with Dewi Kripi, daughter of King Purungaji, king Tempuru country, and obtained a son named Bambang Aswatama. Resi Durna managed to establish hermitage Sokalima after successfully seized nearly half the territory of the King Drupada Pancala from power. In the role of resi Bharatayuda Durna appointed Supreme Kurawa Senapati, after the death of Bhishma Resi. Resi Durna very proficient in warfare strategy and always on determining the degree of war. Resi Durna fall on the battlefield by Drestajumena sword blow, the son of King Drupada, who cut off his head broken. It is said that deaths due to revenge King Resi Durna Ekalaya Paranggelung of its late king of the country together in the body Drestajumena.

Lessons Learned;

1. “Sapa sing nggawe mesthi nganggo”, who planted plane “ngundhuh wohing Pakarti”. Evil deeds on others will backfire, re-create havoc on yourself. Apparently excerpt from philosophy of life, this is a formula Javanist nature (read: the nature of nature / nature of God). However Durna had seized half the territory and killed King Drupada. So the sage’s death in the hands of the Durna Drestajumena the son of King Drupada own. Actually Drestajumena the calculation would not be possible to beat Resi Durna, because the miracle is not nothing compared to Resi Durna. However Hyang Widhi meets formula “says nggawe nganggo and ngunduh wohing Pakarti” any course of Resi Durna die at the hands Drestajumena after his body was possessed by the spirit of King Ekalaya. Already a natural nature, catastrophe (wohing Pakarti) was close upon themselves, not necessarily from the victim or the person who dijahati, but could come from the other party again.

2. Resi Durna as a figure who has the nature of dualism, or double personality. On the one hand he makes a riot, on the other side educate the knights tlatah Pandavas from the truth. But he finally died “ngunduh wohing Pakarti” alias because ulahnya own.

3. Science is like a double-edged knife, can be used for good or evil depends on people.

4. Resi Durna with King Drupada is a cousin who used to take shelter in a college, but King Drupada utilize their knowledge for the good (amr ma’ruf nahi unjust) while Resi Durna more use it for evil and defend the forces of evil.

5. In such a physical battle Yudha Bharata War, in a real context take the example between Jews and Palestinians, is a civil war is gaining territory or regional powers, as in the story of war between Senopati Baratayudha Drupada war against Senopati Durna war.

6. As a warning to mankind to be careful of the three most dangerous kinds of negative passions that can destroy the kinship relations both in internal family relationships, friendships or relationships, national and state namely; search for truth in his own lust, craving power, wealth and appetite control (inheritance). Especially against the people closest relatives still own. In the event of war (civil) war will become a very vicious and cruel. Moreover, the war marked a pretext to defend the truth, between the power of “white” and “black. The result was terrible destruction. Hopefully the examples above can increase our awareness of all, to remain united in the sense that one rope, one nationality, one of the earth earth, one language. So that this nation is spared from destruction, otherwise achieve glory again. We can take the example of Holocaust events, ethnic cleansing, mass killings in Cambodia, the events of the G 30 S, the Jewish-Palestinian. By: sabdalangit

Pandavas FIVE

FIVE Pendawa with regard Arjuna, Bhima, Nakul, Pendawa LIMA, Puntadewa, Sahadev, Puppet, Werkudara, Yudhishthira

Pendawa FIVE

1. King Yudhishthira


King Yudhishthira the story Javanese puppetry is king jin Mertani country, a Demon Kingdom are in plain sight is a very haunted jungle. King Yudhishthira has two siblings, each named; Arya Danduwacana, which controls kesatrian Jodipati and a master Aryan Dananjaya kesatrian Madukara. King Yudhishthira also has two other mothers of twins, that is; Ditya Sapujagad residing in kesatrian Sawojajar, and Ditya Sapulebu in kesatrian Baweratalun.Prabu Yudhishthira was married to Goddess Rahina, daughter of King Kumbala, king jin Madukara country with consort Goddess Sumirat. From that marriage he obtained a princess named Goddess Ratri, which later became the wife of forest Arjuna.Ketika Mertani Pandava family conquered thanks to the miracle of the oil resources owned by Arjuna giving Bagawan Jayengkaton Wilwuk / Wilawuk, winged dragon of Pringcendani hermitage. King Yudhishthira then submit the entire country along with his wife to Puntadewa, the eldest Pandava, son of King Pandu with Kunti. King Yudhishthira then transformed or combined in the body Puntadewa, until Puntadewa title King Yudhishthira. King Yudhishthira blood white symbolizes purity.

2. BIMA or Werkudara

Also known by the name; Balawa, Bratasena, Birawa Dandunwacana, Nagata, Kusumayuda, Kowara, Kusumadilaga, Pandusiwi, Bayusuta, Sena, or Wijasena. The second son of King Pandu Bima, King Country Astina with Dewi Kunti, the daughter of King Basukunti with Dewi Dayita from Mandura country. Bima has two siblings named: Puntadewa and Arjuna, and 2 other brothers mother, that is; Nakul and Sahadev. Bima have adequate nature and disposition; brave, steadfast, strong, courageous, obedient and honest. Milky has a privilege to play doubles specialist and has a variety of weapons, among others; Nails Pancanaka, Gada Rujakpala, Alugara, Bargawa (major axes) and Bargawasta, while ajian owned are; Bandungbandawasa Aji, Aji and Aji Blabakpangantol Ketuklindu-antol. Bima also have clothing that symbolizes the greatness that is; bun Pudaksategal, Fertilizer Jarot Asem, Sumping Surengpati, Kelatbahu Candrakirana, belt and pants Cinde Nagabanda Udaraga. While some of Gods gifts he received, among others; seam or fabric Poleng Bintuluaji, Candrakirana Bracelet, Necklace Nagasasra, Sumping Surengpati and fertilizer Pudak Jarot Asem. Bima lived in the Duchy Jodipati, Amarta state region. Bima has three wives and three children, namely:

1. Goddess Nagagini, berputra Arya Anantareja,

2. Goddess Arimbi, berputra Raden Gatotkaca and

3. Goddess Urangayu, berputra Arya Anantasena.

End of the Milky history is told, die perfect (moksa) together with the four siblings after the end of the war Bharatayuda.



Is the son of King Pandudewanata, king of countries Astinapura with Dewi Kunti / Dewi Pritchard daughter of King Basukunti, king Mandura country. Arjuna is the third child of five children one father, who was known as the Pandavas. Two brothers of the mother is Puntadewa and Bima / Werkudara.

Meanwhile, two other brothers mother, the son of Pandu with Madrim is Nakul and Sahadev. Arjuna a knight who likes to wander, meditate and learn their studies. In addition to being students at Padepokan Sukalima Resi Drona, he is also a disciple of the Hermitage Untarayana Padmanaba Resi. Arjuna had been in Goa Mintaraga Pandita, Bagawan Ciptaning title. Arjuna made good kadewatan destroy King Niwatakawaca, giant king of the country Manimantaka. For his services that, Arjuna was crowned as king in heaven Kaindran King Karitin degree and get a gift of heirloom-inheritance magic from the gods, among others; Gendewa (from Bathara Indra), Arrow Ardadadali (from Bathara Kuwera), Arrow Cundamanik (from Bathara Narada) . Arjuna also has other powerful heirloom-inheritance, other atara; Keris Kalanadah Kiai, Arrow rejected (from Resi Durna), Candranila Arrow, Arrow Sirsha, Kiai Sarotama Keris, Keris Kiai Varuna, Keris Pulanggeni (given in Abhimanyu), trumpet Dewanata, Cupu oil contains Jayengkaton (gift from hermitage Bagawan Wilawuk Pringcendani) and Horse Whips Kiai Ciptawilaha with Pamuk. While Arjuna ajian owned, among others: Panglimunan, Tunggengmaya, Sepiangin, Mayabumi, the Compassionate and Asmaragama. Arjuna has 15 wives and 14 children. His wife and his children are:

1. Goddess Sumbadra, berputra Raden Abhimanyu.

2. Dewi Lara, Sumitra and Bratalaras berputra Raden.

3. Goddess Heroine

4. Goddess Ulupi / Palupi, berputra Bambang Irawan

5. Goddess Jimambang, berputra Kumaladewa and Kumalasakti

6. Goddess Ratri, berputra Bambang Wijanarka

7. Goddess Dresanala, berputra Raden Wisanggeni

8. Goddess Wilutama, berputra Bambang Wilugangga

9. Goddess Manuhara, berputra Pregiwa and Endang Endang Pregiwati

10. Goddess Supraba, berputra Raden Prabakusuma

11. Goddess Antakawulan, berputra Bambang Antakadewa

12. Goddess Maeswara

13. Dewi Retno Kasimpar

14. Goddess Juwitaningrat, berputra Bambang Sumbada

15. Goddess Dyah Sarimaya.

Arjuna also has clothing that symbolizes greatness, namely; seam / Fabrics Limarsawo, Tie Waist Limarkatanggi, Minangkara coil, Mustika Ring Necklace Candrakanta and Ampal (formerly owned by King Ekalaya, king of countries Paranggelung).

Arjuna also has many names and nicknames, among others; Parta (war hero), Janaka (having many wives), Pemadi (handsome), Dananjaya, Kumbaljali, Ciptaning Mintaraga (holy priest), Pandusiwi, Indratanaya (son Bathara Indra), Jahnawi (agile trengginas), Palguna, Danasmara (ladies’ man) and Margana (helpful).

Arjuna has a characteristic disposition; Clever clever, reticent, thorough, polite, brave and like to protect the weak.

Duchy Madukara Arjunaa lead, within the territory of the Amarta. After the war Bhatarayuda, Arjuna became king at the State Banakeling, the former royal Jayadratha.

End of history is told Arjuna, he muksa (dead perfect) along with the four other brother.

4. Nakul


Nang in Javanese puppetry Pinten also referred to by name (the name of the plants whose leaves can be used as a drug) is the fourth son of King Pandudewanata, king of countries Astina with Madrim empress, daughter of King Mandrapati with Dewi Tejawati, from Mandaraka country. Nakul born twin with her sister, Sahadewa or Sadewa (Javanese puppetry), Nakul also a father should be entitled three brothers, sons of King Pandu with Kunti, from the state Mandura named; Puntadewa, Bima / Werkundara and Arjuna. Nakul is Bathara Aswi incarnation, the god Physician. Nakul adept at riding horses and clever use of weapons arrows and spears. Nakul not going to forget about everything that is known because he mepunyai Aji Pranawajati giving Ditya Sapujagad, Senapati Mretani country. Nakul has also cupu contain, “Banyu Panguripan or water of life” (tirtamaya) provision Bhatara Indra. Nakul has the character of an honest, loyal, obedient, compassion, knew back in order and can keep a secret. Nakul live in kesatrian Sawojajar, Amarta state region. Nakul had two wives, namely:

1. Goddess Sayati daughter of King Kridakirata, king Awuawulangit state, and

obtain two sons each named; Bambang

Pramusinta and Goddess Pramuwati.

2. Srengganawati goddess, daughter of Resi Badawanganala, giant tortoise

who live in the river / Narmada Wailu (according Purwacarita,

Badawanangala known as the king of country Gisiksamodra / Ekapratala)

and obtaining a princess named Dewi Sritanjung.

From the marriage of grace cupu Nakula get heirloom named Tirtamanik water-filled life. After finishing the war Bharatyuda, Nakul anointed king Mandaraka country as mandated by King Salya his mother’s sister, Madrim. End of history is told, Nakul die moksa with four brothers.

5. Sadewa or Sahadewa


In Javanese puppetry also referred to by name Tangsen (fruit from plants whose leaves can be used and used for medicine) is the son of the King Pandudewanata five or younger, king of countries Astina with Madrim empress, daughter of King Mandrapati with Dewi Tejawati of state Mandaraka . He was born twin with his brother, Nakul. Sadewa also has three brothers of the father, the son of King Pandu with Kunti, from the state Mandura, named; Puntadewa, Bima / Werkundara and Arjuna. Sadewa is bead Bathara Aswin, Dewayne Physician. Sadewa very adept in the science kasidan (Java) / a mystic. Adept at riding horses and proficient using the arrow and spear guns. In addition to very powerful, also has Aji Purnamajati Sadewa giving Ditya Sapulebu, Senapati Mretani countries which merit; can understand and remember clearly at all events. Sadewa have the character of an honest, loyal, obedient, compassion, knew back in order and can keep a secret. Sadewa live in kesatrian Bawenatalun / Bumiretawu, Amarta state region. Sadewa married with Dewi Srengginiwati, brother Dewi Srengganawati (Wife Nakul), daughter of Resi Badawanganala, giant tortoises that live on river / Narmada Wailu (according Purwacarita, known as the king of country Badawanangala Gisiksamodra / Ekapratala). From that marriage he obtained a son named Bambang Widapaksa / Sidapaksa). After finishing the war Bharatayuda, Sedewa became state governor Astina accompany King Kalimataya / King Yudhistrira. End of history in the telling, Sahadewa die moksa together into four siblings.

LEADERSHIP clown-servants: Semar, Petruk, Bagong-Gareng

Posted LEADERSHIP clown-servants: Semar, Petruk, Bagong-Gareng with links (tags) Bagong., PHILOSOPHY puppet, Gareng, Leadership, Mbilung, Petruk, clown-servants, Sarawita, semar, Tejamantri, Togog


KI headman BADRANAYA Semar, Nala Gareng,

Petruk KANTHONG perforated AND KI headman BAGONG

“Response and Limpat sasmita ing ing Grahita Place, and chakras-Manggilingan”

“Pinangka mrih hamemayu hayuning bawana”

“Puna” or “Pana” in Java terminology means to understand, bright, clear, thorough, understanding, clever in monitoring or observing the nature of meaning behind the events of natural events and happenings in human life. While the friend will also mean guardian or friend. So has the meaning of clown-servants that describes someone who is a friend, who has the ability to observe, analyze, and digest all of the phenomena and natural events and events in human life. Clown-servants can also mean a nanny, the tutor who has the intelligence of thought, sharpness of mind, cunning reason, broad horizons, attitude wise, and wise in all of science. His words were to be believed, between words and actions together, it is not contradictory. Javanese cultural treasures called it a “response sasmita ing, lan limpat ing pairs mentally disabled.” In terms have the meaning synonymous with puppet so-called wulucumbu the hair that grows on the big toe. The overall picture of personal character Village Ki Semar is useful in the effort to preserve the universe, and creating wealth and prosperity on earth motherland.

In Javanese wayang story, clown-servants are divided into two groups each have the same role as the spiritual and political advisor, but each character nurturing figure who contradict each other.

Village Ki Semar Group Badranaya

This group consists Semar, Gareng, Petruk, and Bagong (Sundanese: Cepot). They describe the group of clown-servants of honest, simple, sincere, do something selfless, but it has a very broad knowledge, clever, and very sharp mind’s eye. Village Ki Semar, in particular, has a heart that “nyegoro” or area of the ocean and her clairvoyance and kapramanan deep ocean. Only a true warrior who will be nurturing Ki Semar Village. Semar essentially as a demigod, which served to carry / woman, the true warrior.

Village Ki Semar also called Begawan Ismaya or Hyang Ismaya, because its existence is very mysterious as the son of Sang Hyang Tunggal instance mangejawantah god. While nicknames Ismaya means not form a wadag / physical, but that there is in a state of vague / semar. In uthak-athik-gathuk in Java, Ki Semar can mean a true teacher (true spirit), which is in our identity. True Guru is the essence of the highest substance contained in our bodies. So it is not unlikely if the essence of a true teacher who is symbolized in the form Ki Semar Village, has the ability pendita word queen, saliva was spit fire (idu geni). What is spoken true teacher is very fortunate, because his words are God’s will. The knight who was raised by Village Ki Semar very lucky that his country would be a fairly prosperous, gamah ripah, cheap food and clothing, serene, always avoid a disaster.

The task starts from the leadership of King clown-servants Herjuna Sasrabahu Maespati country, the country’s King Ramawijaya Pancawati, Raden Sakutrem Plasajenar satria, satria Wiwaha Raden Arjuna from Madukara, Raden warrior Abhimanyu from Plangkawati, and King Parikesit Ngastina country. Village Ki Semar is always invoked as Kakang elder and, because of elder in the figurative sense that is very high spiritual science, magic mandraguna, vast experience in the face of bitter getirnya life. Even the gods were called as “Kakang”.

The group is tasked with clown-servants:

1. Accompany (serve) the bendhara (boss) of his noble character in attitude. Task clown-servants are as “helpers” or servant as well as “mentors”. His job took place from time to time.

2. In the puppet story, this group more as a spiritual advisor, pamomong, sometimes contributes as friends mingle, comfort in times of trouble.

3. In the style slightly joking percengkeramaannya parikena or advice, suggestions and criticism in ways that smooth, encapsulated in the form of words and sentences antics. But in it is always contained an implied meaning of the various suggestions and proposals, and as pepeling will always be aware of and attitudes that must be executed waspadha firmly by the jumeneng bendharanya as great knight.

4. On certain occasions clown-servants to act as an entertainer while the bendhara experiencing grief.

5. In essence, Ki Semar et al headman in charge of the knights took care to always do good or kareping Rahsa (lust al Mutmainah). In Islamic terminology may be commensurate with the term amr ma’ruf.

The character of the knight is: fine, noble character, patient, sincere, likes to help, alert and vigilant, and wise.

Village Ki Group Togog

This group consists of three personnel namely: Ki Lurah Togog (Sarawita) and Mbilung. This clown-servants on duty to accompany her character bendhara dur namely the Queen Sabrang greedy. Call it like King Mandura Balarama in the country, the country’s Basukarna Ngawangga King, King Dasamuka (Ravana) in the country Ngalengka, King Niwatakawaca in Faith-Imantaka country and a few knights of the intangible Sabrangan countries (in character), a giant, ill-tempered, stupid, but loyal in principle. Village headman Togog also called Tejamantri. Ki et al Togog outlines are there to prevent her care that dur greedy, to always be aware and waspadha, leaving all the bad qualities, and all the negative passions. Some of their tasks include:

1. They speak out to always provide corrections, criticisms and suggestions bendhara continuously to her.

2. Giving his pepeling to bendhara for always being aware of and do not obey the will of lust waspadha body (rahsaning karep).

The picture is actually projecting the same character in human beings (the universe alit). As described above that both knights have different characters and contradictory to each other. Its meaning, in a small universe (human identity), there are two inherent properties, namely on the one hand the properties of goodness that emanates from the true Cahyo (nurulah) penetrated into the true soul (ruhulah). And on the other hand there are bad qualities in the body or corporeal. Knights of good character is represented by a group Pendawa Lima and his ancestors. While the knight is a bad character is represented by a group Kurawa 100. although they each already have advisory clown-servants, but still there were wars between these two groups of knights. It illustrates how serious upheaval that occurred in the elite universe of man, between lust negative with a positive passion. So the puppet story portrayed by the war between the knight momongan Brontoyudho Village Ki Ki Semar with knights momongan Togog. Between Supervisory against Kurawa 100. Between the positive lust against lust negative. Battlefield amid Padhang Kurusetra, which is nothing but describe the human heart.

Meaning Behind the Symbols clown-servants

1. Village Ki Semar (symbol of peace and safety of life)

Semar course will discuss at length as there is no end point. Semar as a symbol of the human father of Java. Even in the book Jayabaya term, Semar is used to appoint counsel kings in the land of Java who has lived more than 2500 years. In this case Ki Semar Lurah no other is Sabdapalon and Ki Ki Nayagenggong, two twin brothers Kings spiritual advisor. His figure is very mysterious, as if between real and unreal, but if you see signs of people who deny will be in doubt. Village Ki Semar and Nayagenggong Sabdapalon context is the father or his Dahyang Java man. According Jayabaya term later twins will be present again after 500 years since the fall of Majapahit to give lessons on human momongannya Java (archipelago). If his return is calculated, which ranges from between 2005 and 2011. So for the knights momongannya Ki Semar Village is like a talisman; may Siji dirumat tour. In addition to being advisory, clown-servants will be a helper and savior / protector when the knights momongannya in danger.

In the story of wayang Ki Semar jumeneng Village as an Begawan, but he at once as a symbol of the commoners. So Ki Semar headman was also called a demigod. In a spiritual perspective, Ki Semar Lurah character represents a simple, quiet, humble, sincere, not hypocritical, it is never too sad and never laugh too brightly. Mental state is very mature, not kagetan and not gumunan. Village Ki Semar away the calm water like, behind the calm attitude saved genius, mental sharpness, rich life experience and knowledge. Village Ki Semar figure illustrates the patient, sincere, loving, good keepers, guardians of truth and avoid acts dur-greedy. Village Ki Semar was also called Badranaya, meaning Badra is the moon, Naya face. Or Nayantaka, Naya is a face, taka: pale. Both mean that Semar has a character symbolizing the moon (see thread: Heritage Hasta Brata). And a figure that has a pale face, meaning that no indulgence in lust Semar. Semareka den Prayitna: semare means to euthanize themselves, in order that his mind was always alert. So which is put to sleep senses from turbulent flame or negative passions. This is the value behind the death sentence sajroning urip wani (dare die on in life). Actions always netepi nature Hyang Widhi (resigned), by turning off the negative passions. Such attitudes will be articulated into the attitude of the character of our daily wantun in the association, ‘pale’ is not easy emotionally cool, calm and dignified, not rage and trembling if abused, verbally, do not forget yourself if praised, as the character Badranaya or face the moon.

In the spiritual realm of Java, especially regarding the concept of subjects manunggaling Gusti, Ki Semar Village to become the personification of every human nature a true teacher. Semar is vague, as a symbol of a true teacher or a true soul rather than its form vaguely real form or wadag, and not invisible. Meanwhile, Lima was the personification of the Supervisory bodies / agencies in which there are five senses. Because of the nature of the bodies / agencies tend to become complacent and weak, then no matter how well the body of a knight, still had to be nurtured and supervised by the teacher always true for eling and waspadha. In order that the bodies / agencies have a determination on the teacher’s teaching of true goodness. True Guru is the controlling person to remain in the “behavior” the proper, publishing and on bebener corridor. Who is abandoned by pamomong Ki Semar and Gareng Village, Petruk, Bagong, he would be damned, if the knight then his country will get a lot of havoc, such as: accidents, disasters, disease outbreaks (pageblug), famine. All that as bebendu because man (warrior) who abandoned his true teachers have been out of line bebener.

If viewed from the political perspective, the clown-servants Village Ki Semar and his sons Gareng, Petruk, Bagong as a symbol of the institution undertaking the aspirations of the people suffering of the people. Or sort of legislature. So this clown-servants group served as a mouthpiece for the people, make criticisms, advice, and suggestions. Obligation as a controller, supervisor, supervising the running of the government under the care Satria Pendhawa Lima as a symbol of the executive body or government agency. With this picture, actually in the tradition of Java since the past has been known for a democratic political system.

2. Nala Gareng

Nala is the liver, Gareng (crisp) means dry, or gering, which means suffering. Nala Gareng means the liver is suffering. Its meaning is the symbol of “behavior” is concerned. But Nala Gareng also translated as determination. In fiber-Wedhatama mentioned gumeleng agolong gilig. It is a determination that any actions not always lead to any self-interest, but only for natural netepi Hyang Manon. Nala Gareng become a symbol of sorrow, sadness, miserable. As shown in physical form Gareng Nala is a set of symbols that imply the following meanings:

Eyes squint:

Left eye pointing upwards and sideways. Nala meaning Gareng always concentrate his mind to Hyang Widhi.

Crooked Arm or throbbing pain / czech:

Praise be to Allaah symbolizes man can not do anything when not on the nature or the will Hayng Widhi.

Lame leg, if it runs while tiptoe:

This means that Nala is a human Gareng very cautious in moving or in making decisions. Physical state nala Gareng this imperfect human being should be reminded that careful and cautious in this life because aware of human nature is full of weaknesses and shortcomings.

Mouth Gareng:

Mouth Gareng weird and funny-shaped, symbolizing he did not articulate, sometimes the target speech railing (stained) abysmally. Talk and his go awry, because it does not feel confident. However Nala Gareng many have friends, both on the part of friend and foe alike. This excess Nala Gareng, which become very useful in business negotiations and seeking relationships, so that Nala Gareng often act as peacemaker, and as opening the way for negotiations. Indeed with so many flaws in himself that, Nala Gareng often spared from harm and distress.

3. Petruk Kanthong Bolong

Village Ki Petruk is the son of King Gandarwa child taken by the Village Ki Semar. Petruk has aliases, namely Dawala. Dawa means the length, la, la means or ugly. It’s a long, ugly physical appearance. Nose, ears, mouth, feet and long arms. But do not be hasty in judging, because the headman Petruk is taxable kinira tan creature, let me physically ugly but he can not figure who allegedly about. This picture is going disposition Ki pralambang Lurah long Petruk mind, meaning that no grusah Petruk-grusuh (rash) in the act, he will carefully calculate the profit and loss, or risk going to a plan and actions to be performed. Petruk Kanthong Bolong, illustrates that Petruk has a very extensive patience, his heart like a Samodra, her loose, and his feelings perforated plong nothing to hide, do not like grumbling and grumbling.

Dawala, also illustrates the inner relationship between the ancestors in heaven (nature permanence) with children decline, ie, Petruk headman who still live in mercapada. Petruk headman always get the assistance and guidance from his ancestors, so that the headman Petruk have clairvoyance qualified and capable of being servants (maids) as well as advisor to the knights.

Petruk Kanthong Bolong her face was always smiling, even while grieving also always show a friendly face and smiling with great sincerity. Petruk able to hide his own grief in front of the knights bendharanya. So the presence Petruk actually generates its own excitement and happiness in the midst of grief. The principle of “behavior” living Ki Lurah Petruk is truth, honesty and innocence in life. Together with all members of the clown-servants, headman Petruk helped the knights Pandhawa Lima (especially Raden Arjuna) in its struggle to uphold truth and justice.

4. Cumbersome

Bagong is the third child Lurah Ki Semar. The philosophy is the shadow Bagong Semar. When Semar get noble task of Hyang Manon, to nurture the good knight, Semar pleading accompanied a friend. Petition granted Semar Supreme Hyang Tunggal, and it turns out a friend was taken from Semar own shadow. After the shadow Semar became black man such a way as shadow Semar, then was named Bagong. As Semar Semar shadows of human character such as naive and very simple, but has tremendous endurance. He hold the shame, sadness overwhelmed, and not easily shocked and surprised when faced with a precarious situation as well as fun. Appearance and mannerism Lurah Bagong like bonehead. Nevertheless Bagong is a formidable figure, always lucky and loved his masters. So Bagong including clown-servants are respected, trusted and have a place in the hearts of the knights. Cumbrous term Tengen positioned as reinforcements, or the right forces, which are in the path of truth and always loved the employer and the Lord.

In the puppet show, clown-servants group Semar, Gareng, Petruk, Bagong always get a place in the hearts of viewers. Clown-servants appeared at the peak of the long-awaited event viewer that is goro-goro, featuring a variety of slapstick scenes, anecdotes, satire, full of laughter which is useful as a means of constructive criticism while mingle (slightly joking parikena). Clown-servants deliver criticism, suggestions, advice, and cheer the knights who became care as well as his employer. Clown-servants voice is the voice of ordinary people as the mandate of the people’s suffering, as well as the “voice” of God tell the truth, the views and the principle of innocent life, innocent but sometimes displays the philosophy that seems trivial but has a very noble essence. That’s football “lunge clown-servants” who sound reinforcement Tengen hatinuraninya always heard and obeyed by the knights of care as well as his employer.

Controversial clown-servants Leadership

In the wayang stories as stories in other legends, there are groups of antagonists. In the wayang figures come from foreigners antagonist or Sabrangan. Togog or Tejamantri clown-servants, and Mbilung Sarawita a clown-servants are always guiding figure kontroversif magnifying antagonist, the “knight” insolence (insolent dur), until the leaders of evil giants. Call it like King Dasamuka, Niwatakawaca King, King Susarma, until the knights of Mandura dur greedy like Raden Kangsa and so on. In essence Ki Lurah Togog et al always on the antagonist, so called as reinforcements Kiwa. However this does not mean the group clown-servants have a bad character.

Their physical characteristics Togog et al have a wide mouth. This means that they always boasted good voice, warning (pepeling) to her employer to remain vigilant and aware, humans do not become excessive. Ngono yes Ngono Ngono ning aja. Humans must understand the limits of humanity. Even going to beat the opponent or enemy still have to hold on to a warrior ethic that must be gentle, not a coward, and did not win a fight with a cunning way. Although the win was not allowed to insult and humiliate his opponent (win without ngasorake). That’s teachings Ki Lurah Togog et al which are often requested advice and suggestions by the employer. Yet ultimately every advice, suggestions, feedback, aspirations articulated Ki Lurah Togog et al still not been ignored by their employer remained faithful. Village Ki Togog et al although served as advisor to the central position, nanny and mentor, who always voiced pepeling loud-mouthed, as their role as an object direct object. Although Ki Lurah Togog et al always failed to take care of her employer dur savage warriors, often move up to employers to speak out to prevent crime. Not that they are not faithful. Conversely in the case of group loyalty as enforcer of truth, Ki Lurah Togog deserves a good example. Due to frequent dimaki though, shouted at and hit by anger his master, Ki Lurah Togog et al do not want to treason. Although always failed to give criticism and advice to the employer, they remain steadfast in the struggle to uphold justice. And again, they always asked for advice and criticism, but also immediately denied by his new employers. That fate Togog et al, which suggests the fate of small people who always expressed the aspirations and the mandate of the people suffering but do not have bargaining power. Like water the desert, no matter how advice and criticism has poured in the hearts of the “leaders” dur greedy, never made an impression on the nature of the employer. Perhaps the fate of the clown-servants Ki Lurah Togog et al is similar to what is now experienced by the people of Indonesia. Conscience of the people is difficult to get a place in the hearts of the leaders and officials of the archipelago nagri Hing. Despite the many valuable lessons in sight, but the manifestation works and political policy remains unpopular to side with the small people.

PUPPET; Efforts Reaching Ancestors Rahsa True Consciousness

Posted PUPPET; Efforts Ancestors Rahsa Awareness Reaching True with regard baratayudha, blencong, puppeteer, Philosophy, Java, screen, Kurawa, play, grip, Supervisory, Puppet



As a philosophy of “Gumêlaring-Bawana”

Puppet known by the people of Java, has several types, among others, Wayang Kulit or Wayang Purwa made of buffalo skin, Puppet Klithik flat shape made of wood, Marionette Puppet is made from basic materials of wood, cloth etc., and Wayang raw materials most strange, but indeed the fact, completely made of human beings alive L Hii ..!

In the Java language, the word wayang means “shadow”. Viewed from the perspective of philosophy can be interpreted as a shadow puppet or a reflection of all the properties that exist in human beings, like nature dur anger, and all sorts of goodness (positive). Puppet is used as an instrument to demonstrate a story of human life in the universe, and the description Khayangan, or the supernatural. Played by a puppeteer who is assisted by a team consisting penyumping or assistant puppeteer, musician or persons and some waranggana gamelan as a singer song. Dalang central function as a director and main actor in the whole course of performance. Dalanglah who led all of his crew to “melt” in the flow of the play is presented. In a small scene-kecilpun and spontaneity there must be solidarity among all the crew. A puppeteer must master a wide range gising gamelan musical instruments or arrangements, and a necessary condition for a mastermind appreciate each character from all the characters in the puppet. Design floor used in the leather puppet show a straight line, and the play of puppets, puppeteer facing color (banana tree trunks) used to stick the puppets in a row. Range puppet in the two head to head, is on the right and the left behind it. Range puppeteer puppet on the left is a collection of prominent figures or warrior-knight defender of truth and virtue, while the right is a line of puppet characters insolence. Why are the knights defenders of truth lies on the left puppeteer, it’s not because I watch is the true puppet from behind (behind) the screen. Who watched his shadow, it would be felt very exotic. However this provision is not absolute. To demonstrate the variety of decoration and replacement of sub-plays or scenes commonly used symbol in the form of mountains. Mount is a large under shaped puppet, like the top tapering cone. In the mountains there are many pictures of animals, such as bison, monkeys, snakes, birds, who are in a large tree branches. Even sometimes painted his face a mask resembling a giant. Mountains as a symbol of the region, or state of the universe and its contents. Puppet show is typically done at night, but it can also be done during the day, even day and night. Old leather puppet show for a story the story usually about 7 to 8 hours. Starting from 21:00 hours until dawn at 5:00. Gamelan musical instruments used to accompany the puppet show complete series consists of two groups namely pelog and slendro gamelan. But if you want to use a simple circuit is used gamelan slendro type only. Besides waranggana or several vocalists who accompany mastermind’s daughter, there are still male vocalist called penggerong or wiraswara, consisting of four to six people. Wiraswara charge of accompanying the choir sometimes waranggana voice replied-replication. Wiraswara be provided exclusively, or it could be held by the musician or the gamelan as well as a penggerong.

The play in the determination of Invisibility Wirayat

In determining the play for the leather puppet show, a puppeteer at will can not act alone in determining what will be brought. He is determined by several factors.

Among these are as follows:

1. type of puppet that is used for demonstration.

2. beliefs surrounding community.

3. purposes of holding the show.

Especially for special occasions, sometimes a puppet responders asked that the mastermind for finding the title or act in accordance wangsit he received. Wangsit ki will be obtained when the mastermind was conducted “nayuh” or maneges to Gustavo Ingkang Akarya universe will answer a thing. The play gained by a puppeteer through wangsit usually regarded as a form of an answer or description of a case. Can be a description of the present description, as well as futuristic picture. In ancient times until most of the masterminds of today, one of the requirements to be a mastermind required a person has a relatively high spirituality. In fact is not a secret anymore, people often measure the level of “magic” (spirituality), a puppeteer when she becomes able to carry the play Brantayudha. Besides the parameters, a puppeteer will be respected if he is able to (strong) perform puppet show for the “ruwat earth.” Usually mastermind ruwat earth owned or become lengganan party palace, say for example mastermind idol Wahid and subscription UGM, namely Ki Timbul Cermamenggala of Bantul in Yogyakarta. He is often mentioned as well as the mastermind behind the palace, because he had made several earth ruwatan Yogya-Sala at the request of the Yogyakarta palace.

Type puppet will affect the play that could be held. A set of puppet prototype instance can only be used to play the stories of the Mahabharata or Ramayana. Shadow puppets can not be used to display a chronicle Menak. Instead the puppet show can not be used for acting out Mahabharata, because the characters exist in a kind of puppet that is already made for the staging of the play-specific plays.

Especially in the Java community who still adhere to tradition and custom legacy of his ancestors, many found abstinence-abstinence above a certain play for puppet performances. For example, assume that the play Bharatayuda or Brantayudha taboo to be staged in celebration of the marriage ceremony. Or a personally courageous puppet with the plays Brantayudha perceive, will be severe consequences in the future, could form the economic slump, health or safety. So people do not dare to violate this prohibition, believing that his family will suffer hardship in the future. Whether there will be a family member who dies, there will be divorce in the family, or other catastrophe. In rural areas also still a lot we encounter traditional ceremonies held with puppet shows. To a certain event, puppet plays are staged to be adjusted as well. At the ceremony the village clean, that is for safety after the harvest, which must be presented such plays Kondure Dewi Dewi Sri Sri or go home, while for the ceremony Ruwatan lakonnya is Bathara Kala.

The origins Puppet

Regarding the origin of the emergence of puppets in Indonesia, there are various opinions from experts that can be used as a guide. According to history books in the library of Old Javanese palace Ngayogyakarta, leather puppet show from the beginning to use simple equipment, but the original grip still regenerative until now, by using puppets made from buffalo leather engraved with the chisel, using color, blencong, kepyak, boxes etc. . According to historian Kraton well known clairvoyant, puppet art has certainly come, and were the work of the archipelago nation, Indonesian alias original in for the people in Java. This puppet art began around since long before the Hindu culture came. Puppet art in the beginning is one form of Old Javanese ritual, or sacred ceremonies associated with the belief system of that time, namely to go “Gusti Murbeng Dumadi” (God the creator of the universe). Wayang ceremony conducted at night by a medium who allegedly called saman or done by the head of the family. The play that was held to take the stories of ancestors or ancestors. This ceremony is intended to summon and communicate with ancestral spirits. The goal is pleading for help (prayer) and his blessing if the family will begin a hunger or a task, so when it has finished running some heavy duty. Ceremony wayang performance is expected to arise at the time of Neolithikum, or at ± 1500 BC. In its development, the ceremony was later done by an artist who has been a professional puppet, which is puppeteer.

The tradition of Wayang As Reserve Local Wisdom

In the period of time long enough puppet show and then continue to grow gradually. But still retain its main function, namely as the activities associated with the belief system and teaching system will be the philosophy of the ancestors for generations. To maintain the original artistic heritage of the ancestors of the archipelago, Mataram Yogyakarta palace life has provided a fertile place for the arts, especially puppet puppet purwa / leather, as reflected and mastermind Habirandá school establishment in 1925 in the Kingdom of Mataram Yogyakarta. Now the mastermind behind many scattered Habirandá school graduates in the region of Yogyakarta, Central Java and East Java. Meanwhile, wayang art center, remains preserved in the scope of Kraton Surakarta and surrounding areas. The show performed in the arts buildings, in a show in the villages, as well as in electronic media. As one of the puppet arts fans, almost every night between 23:00 hours to 03:00 hours sometimes at 04.00, broadcast shadow puppets through various radio in Yogyakarta was always loyal to accompany us in the “metani keyboard” *. And the clown-servants, village heads Ki Semar, Nala Gareng, Petruk Kanthong Bolong, Ki Lurah Bagong always inspires the soul-body is of a sense of “sleepiness” physically and “sleepy” inner. Nuwun Gong, Trucks, Reng, Mar ..!

According to Dr cultural observer. A Ciptoprawiro in his thesis, puppets are considered to function as a performance art that presents a lot of value as a guide (moral conduct) and spectacle (aesthetic value) because the concept of ethics and aesthetics philosophy of Java will be coloring in it. Ethical issues related to what is good and what is bad. Conflict between good and bad, must be overcome by increasing awareness that will carry humans to the perfection. Then in stage art performances puppet shows a maturation process leading to the soul. Antagonism and conflict which was built in puppet shows struggle of values, which suggests causation, natural nature, and nature of God. Likewise, the aesthetic question of what is beautiful and what is not beautiful. The beauty in the philosophy of Java will be measured with the highest reality. In the puppets demanded there should be a spirit, grengseng and lost interest, which is all it is a projection of the beauty of the highest reality.

1. Structural performance

In intuition pattern will show a reasonable evolutionary process of consciousness-a mind which outward, toward the highest awareness (higher counsciousness). Projections appear on the structure of arrangement which is represented by a series of gamelan in slendro patet 6, patet 9, and patet manyura give an idea of this process. Patet 6 should be told about the problems that arise from the desire, whether they are material or spiritual, at the level of the third dimension. Patet 9, tells about the process of a character or a knight to get a higher truth that reality will be the basis for its actions in solving problems. Patet Manyuro, upon maturity of the soul which is obtained thanks to the existence of moral enlightenment (in patet 9) then a knight or a character to act on that basis with perspectives and new knowledge. This attitude is distinguished from the old attitude and outlook that is still at the level of the third dimension in patet 6. (Dr. A Ciptoprawiro, and in the Book of grip puppet shows, library Kraton Yogya)

2. Work on figures

A puppeteer display figures or teachers who have a high level of consciousness that have a symbolic knowledge can explain clearly and teach it to knights or figure. There should be a clear difference in attitude and character of knights, who can be shown to the audience, before and after getting instruction from the teacher.

3. Work on Chess

Mastermind supposedly able to demonstrate a dialectical conversation in acting out puppet, featuring round of critical dialogue, clever and intelligent, who could give birth to true knowledge. (Book Pakem puppet)

Legendary puppeteer and Originally:

Ki Narto from Semarang Central Java Sabdo

Ki Hadi Sugito origin Kulonprogo Yogya

Gita Ki Sewaya origin Blitar East Java

Ki Gondo origin Madison Lane

Ki Anom Suroto from Solo jateng

Ki Panut Darmoko origin Nganjuk Java

Ki Manteb Sudarsono origin Karanganyar Solo

Ki Timbul Cermomenggolo from Bantul Yogyakarta

Ki Murdi Kandhamurdiyat origin Tulungagung Java

Ki Pringga Darsono origin Sragen

Ki Rusman S Hadikusumo origin Semarang

Ki Sunaryo from Surabaya

Ki Asep Sunandar S from Bandung in West Java (wayang-


There are many other professionals from Banyumas puppeteer, as well as contemporary puppeteer. In the know Dalang Edan, Dalang Suket, Dalang Jemblung, and others.

Equipment In Puppet Exhibition

Blencong: coconut oil lamp to illuminate the screen.

Puppeteer: People who run a puppet play.

Color: Gedebok banana is used for

stick puppets.

Puppet: A kind of two-dimensional doll

moved by the puppeteer.

Gamelan: the traditional music of Java Tools for

accompany the performances.

Musician: People gamelan.

The play: The road story or title.

Sabetan: Motion carried puppet movements

Ki Dalang.

Beber: Screen for capturing shadow puppets

in the event sabetan.

Waranggana: Tim vocalist in the song

puppet stage.

Panyumping: Assistant in charge of helping mastermind

rampe and help prepare ubo

sort puppet.

Kothak / Pethi: wooden box to store puppets

yet and already displayed.


In the Javanese philosophy, as expressed in the controversial fiber Gatholoco, but in fact full of philosophy kawruh kawaskithan. Fill in it there is one conundrum (guesses) of the ugly man named Gatholoco with the students in the lodge Cepekan. Gatholoco a human figure that can not be measured only through what is visible to the eye wadag only (tan creature hit kinira). Although physically very bad and smells bad, but he has a philosophy of life is very high. At least it teaches us, let us not be hasty in judging others solely from the visible to the eye, and what can be read verbally.

Asking Gatholoco

Gatholoco nulyà ngucap, puppeteer opposite color, lan kang baléncong ngěndi tuwà, badéněn conundrum Iki. Yen sira real Wasis, městhi wěruh ingkang elderly, Ahmad Arif ambatang screen personal tuwà kang, Abdul Jabar ambatang, Ki Dalang kang tuwà Dewe. Abdulmanap kanthi Wicak ambatang, mênàwà tuwà Dewe Liya wayangé ora.

Gatholoco then said, puppeteer and color, and where the oldest blencong, guess this proverb. If you are clever must know where the oldest of its own. Ahmad Arif guess, the oldest of its own color, according to Abdul Jabar The oldest is the mastermind. Abdul Manap another, guessing when the oldest is none other than wayangnya. But for all the answers are not yet Gatholoco right.

Answer Gatholoco Version:

When I think, is the oldest blencong own. Although the curtain has been installed, the gamelan was ready arranged, puppeteer sits ready, but it was still dark when the stage would not be able to walk staging wayangnya. The audience could not see a way to colorful puppet perpasang along the screen. When blencong already turned on, then looked lined puppet stuck along the screen. At the top down, left and right, looking Pandavas and Kurawa lined face each other. Mastermind under blencong can choose puppets-puppets who will dilakonkan. Dalang to weigh the size of the puppets, selecting and sorting within each group. The nature and character puppets on their own are classified in accordance with his character, as well as the mastermind say intonation. All that can be run because the lights had illuminated the universe blencong pakeliran ‘prototype, puppet plays in performance. Therefore blenconglah the oldest. That answer Gatholoco The ugly man.

Meaning Behind Speech Gatholoco

In order to know the purpose of thought Gatholoco, previously let us both peel one by one the meaning of the philosophy behind the equipment in the puppet stage. The sound of gamelan, wayang accompanied by gamelan, mastermind just saying, the puppet who has a sound. Less is more means, (as if) all obedient to the will of the mastermind, to rule over all the puppets and plays, but do not be fooled, Ki Dalang merely acting out puppet, puppeteer Ki aka just follow the story line that has been there before.

Command those who take a leather puppet show, referred to as Kyai Gatholoco Silence, meaning quiet without Ana, Anane ginělar Yekti, lasting tan owah gingsir, no less without wuwuh, without rèh without order, ingkang luwih masesani, solahe ing puppet puppeteer Ki ucape; lonely without there, there is nothing that has actually unfolded in the universe, remain immortal, no less no increase, for no reason without the order, which is more controlled, there is the puppeteer Ki behavior and words.

What is certain is undergoing a good and bad, the audience and the nanggap puppet, which is called Kyai Urip. When the lights blencong is dead, everything becomes suwung uwung dreamily, no nothing, like we have not come into the world, our inner suwung nothing is.

Okay so more easily understood natural philosophy at the ugly thoughts Gatholoco let’s discuss one by one on the instrument in the staging puppet follows;


Also called the white screen with no stains. It is a picture of mercàpàdà or earth which is actually a sacred place. In any place, area, region, state, the mainland are all sacred places. If there is no holy place, or considered to be black or dirty valley, really just a subjective assessment of its human or just a dirty, not the earth where they stand. Screen as a picture of the earth, a performance stage “play life” puppets.


Color is gěděbok (trunk) of banana trees. If it is not used anymore to stick puppet, then the screen will be disposed into foul-smelling stuff and there’s no point, then back into the soil. Screen is like sports or our bodies are used as a place bersemayamnya our soul. The bodies are used as a medium for the soul to do something in wadag měrcapada dimension (earth).


Puppet has two dimensions, if viewed properly from behind the scenes should be staging. What yampak is a black silhouette of the shadow puppets. Wayang is the soul, or jiwànggà, namely Anga ing soul manjing soul in sports. Meanwhile, shadow puppets behind a screen beber or proverbial “real teacher” or a true soul.


Wooden box to store the puppets that have not been issued or a dead puppet. Puppet figures who are dead, definitely leave kelirnya and entered by the puppeteer into the box pěthi. Pethi proverbial graves. If you would serem graves, because they have not understood the meaning of the grave. Grave indeed a small door, dark, airless and cramped, but became “alley” or entrance to the faerie ancestors a bright and wonderful (for the good deeds of others, for that bum I do not know).


Puppeteer is a person who just simply run the stories (the play), puppets who have been there before. Nevertheless, the puppeteer must understand the correct grip gamelan, wayang characters, twisted songs, their personal and wiyaga waranggana. Dalang a narrator, as well as leaders or command for the whole team together to run staging “theatrical life” puppets. Compactness occurs when the waranggana, wiyaga, and assistant puppeteer understand exactly how the storyline plays, live it and how the desires for acting out puppet puppeteer Ki.

Puppeteer like religious leaders, community leaders, community coordinator and associations, village elders, traditional leaders, spiritual leaders, which just runs the natural law of God, natural law, values and cultural traditions that have been there before for the underlying story of life on mercapada, since the earth existed. Anyone can and could be a puppeteer. No view of the degree, rank, class. Meaning, everyone should and can become an expert spiritual, traditional leaders, community leaders, religious figures, and so on. Every human being has the right to be caliph in mercapada. No need to wait for the Lord ordered to-order. Its condition is, understand the value of the genuineness of truth, has a lot of science knowledge, and able to control himself in order to become a wise man, dignified, wise, fair and most importantly is willing to do good to others without a view of what tribe, what religion, what culture, from where it comes from, what’s his name, what office. Dalang be manungsa kang creature main hambeg, sadrema netepi titahing Gusti. For instance humans holy justice and righteousness on earth, which only specifies all actions in accordance Hyang Widhi play in nature.


Blencong a lamp located in front of the screen, above the puppeteer sits cross-legged Ki. Blencong using coconut oil fuel, so that the flame is relatively long, the fire is clean, it smells too sweet and savory. Philosophy blencong instance revelation of life, or atma true that animates all living, for instance Cahya blencong true light. Blencong derived from Hyang Widhi that indescribable in wayang performance. Blencong asale saka wahananing Gustavo Kang Murbeng Dumadi. Light Cahya blencong is true, which illuminate the entire puppet show, which covers the entire universe Gumelar. Cahya true, shining puppet (true spirit), Ki Dalang shine and color. Blencong and its rays like Teja lan Cahya. Namely instance Bethara Nurrada and Bethàrà Teja (Antaga). Cahya true, life light penetrated into the body, outside and inside, under and above, comes from the All Life atma true, its form derived from Hyang Mahamulya. His form becomes the Supreme Being Single. Ora ana kang kajàbà PARA Maha Singh Maha Singh NYAWIJI.

Go Gatholoco leave Question:

Yen puppet .. let tinanggap, wayangé kalawan sinimpên sajroning kothak color, baléncong lan color separation, severance mastermind Ian ringgit, Marang Endi paranipun, sirnaning baléncong puppet, upayanên den kêpanggih, yen tan sira wêruh urip RecA rich …

When the puppet show was over,

puppets and color are stored in boxes,

blencong separated by color,

separate puppeteer with puppets,

where is the goal,

blencong loss of puppets,

look up to see you,

if you do not understand

you like living like a statue.

Bénjang yen sira palastrà, uripmu Ana ing ngêndi, saikine sira Gesang, patimu Ana ing ngêndi, uripmu going to die, starch nggàwà urip iku, ing ngêndi kuburirà, sira Gawa wira-Wiri, tuduhênà dunungé panggonanirà … ..

Tomorrow when you die,

Where are your life,

now you live,

Where is your death,

your life will die,

death brings life,

where your grave,

you bring here and there,

show me where is your place.

What’s the answer …?

However, be careful to answer, because it is a question Gatholoco question contains two dimensions, namely physical and spiritual.

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Archive for PHILOSOPHY puppet category

WAR Bharatayudha; Lust Best Wreck

WAR Bharatayudha; Lust At Wreck with regard Kumbayaka Arya, Arya Sucitra, Astina, Bambang Aswatama, Bharatayudha, Cundamanik, Goddess Gandarini, Gandawati Goddess, Goddess Kumbini, Drestadyumna, Drestajumena, Drupadi, Durna, Kurawa, Arrow rejected, Pandudewanata, War, King Drupada, sage, sage Baratmadya, Resi Durna, Heroine


King Drupada

King Drupada a youth named Arya Sucitra time, was the son of Hargajambangan Dupara Arya, and is the seventh descendant of Brahma Bathara. Arya Sucitra brothers cousins with Bambang Kumbayana / Resi Durna and become brothers seperguruan both sit on Resi Baratmadya. To search for life experience, Arya Sucitra leave Hargajembangan, devoting himself to the country presented to King Pandudewanata Astina. Arya Sucitra pursue the ins and outs of state administration and governance. Because compliance and kebaktiannya to the state, by King Pandu it in Match / mated with the Goddess Gandawati, eldest daughter of King Gandabayu with Dewi Gandarini from Pancala country. From that marriage he obtained three sons each named; Drupadi Goddess, Goddess of Heroine and Arya Drestadyumna. When King Gandabayu died, and berputra crown refused to be king Gandamana Arya, Arya Sucitra Pancala crowned king with the title of King Drupada. In times of its power, King Drupada disagree with Resi Durna, and half of the territory seized by force Pancala through warfare by Resi Durna with the help of children and Kurawa Pandavas. In the great war Bharatayuda, King Drupada Pandavas appeared as Senapati war. He fell against Resi Durna exposed Cundamanik arrows.

Resi Durna

Resi Durna which time his young son named Bambang Kumbayana is Resi Baratmadya from Hargajembangan with Dewi Kumbini. Resi Durna have sons of my mother named his half-brother: Arya Kumbayaka and Goddess Kumbayani. Resi Durna character; snobbish, pompous, arrogant, ruthless, a lot of talking, but the skill, ingenuity, cleverness and kesaktiannnya extraordinary and highly skilled in war tactics. Because of his supernatural powers and skill in soldiering though, Resi Durna believed to be a teacher of children and Kurawa Pandavas. Resi Durna have tangible heirloom keris sakti called Cundamanik and arrows rejected (given to Arjuna). Resi Durna married with Dewi Kripi, daughter of King Purungaji, king Tempuru country, and obtained a son named Bambang Aswatama. Resi Durna managed to establish hermitage Sokalima after successfully seized nearly half the territory of the King Drupada Pancala from power. In the role of resi Bharatayuda Durna appointed Supreme Kurawa Senapati, after the death of Bhishma Resi. Resi Durna very proficient in warfare strategy and always on determining the degree of war. Resi Durna fall on the battlefield by Drestajumena sword blow, the son of King Drupada, who cut off his head broken. It is said that deaths due to revenge King Resi Durna Ekalaya Paranggelung of its late king of the country together in the body Drestajumena.

Lessons Learned;

1. “Sapa sing nggawe mesthi nganggo”, who planted plane “ngundhuh wohing Pakarti”. Evil deeds on others will backfire, re-create havoc on yourself. Apparently excerpt from philosophy of life, this is a formula Javanist nature (read: the nature of nature / nature of God). However Durna had seized half the territory and killed King Drupada. So the sage’s death in the hands of the Durna Drestajumena the son of King Drupada own. Actually Drestajumena the calculation would not be possible to beat Resi Durna, because the miracle is not nothing compared to Resi Durna. However Hyang Widhi meets formula “says nggawe nganggo and ngunduh wohing Pakarti” any course of Resi Durna die at the hands Drestajumena after his body was possessed by the spirit of King Ekalaya. Already a natural nature, catastrophe (wohing Pakarti) was close upon themselves, not necessarily from the victim or the person who dijahati, but could come from the other party again.

2. Resi Durna as a figure who has the nature of dualism, or double personality. On the one hand he makes a riot, on the other side educate the knights tlatah Pandavas from the truth. But he finally died “ngunduh wohing Pakarti” alias because ulahnya own.

3. Science is like a double-edged knife, can be used for good or evil depends on people.

4. Resi Durna with King Drupada is a cousin who used to take shelter in a college, but King Drupada utilize their knowledge for the good (amr ma’ruf nahi unjust) while Resi Durna more use it for evil and defend the forces of evil.

5. In such a physical battle Yudha Bharata War, in a real context take the example between Jews and Palestinians, is a civil war is gaining territory or regional powers, as in the story of war between Senopati Baratayudha Drupada war against Senopati Durna war.

6. As a warning to mankind to be careful of the three most dangerous kinds of negative passions that can destroy the kinship relations both in internal family relationships, friendships or relationships, national and state namely; search for truth in his own lust, craving power, wealth and appetite control (inheritance). Especially against the people closest relatives still own. In the event of war (civil) war will become a very vicious and cruel. Moreover, the war marked a pretext to defend the truth, between the power of “white” and “black. The result was terrible destruction. Hopefully the examples above can increase our awareness of all, to remain united in the sense that one rope, one nationality, one of the earth earth, one language. So that this nation is spared from destruction, otherwise achieve glory again. We can take the example of Holocaust events, ethnic cleansing, mass killings in Cambodia, the events of the G 30 S, the Jewish-Palestinian. By: sabdalangit

Pandavas FIVE

FIVE Pendawa with regard Arjuna, Bhima, Nakul, Pendawa LIMA, Puntadewa, Sahadev, Puppet, Werkudara, Yudhishthira

Pendawa FIVE

1. King Yudhishthira


King Yudhishthira the story Javanese puppetry is king jin Mertani country, a Demon Kingdom are in plain sight is a very haunted jungle. King Yudhishthira has two siblings, each named; Arya Danduwacana, which controls kesatrian Jodipati and a master Aryan Dananjaya kesatrian Madukara. King Yudhishthira also has two other mothers of twins, that is; Ditya Sapujagad residing in kesatrian Sawojajar, and Ditya Sapulebu in kesatrian Baweratalun.Prabu Yudhishthira was married to Goddess Rahina, daughter of King Kumbala, king jin Madukara country with consort Goddess Sumirat. From that marriage he obtained a princess named Goddess Ratri, which later became the wife of forest Arjuna.Ketika Mertani Pandava family conquered thanks to the miracle of the oil resources owned by Arjuna giving Bagawan Jayengkaton Wilwuk / Wilawuk, winged dragon of Pringcendani hermitage. King Yudhishthira then submit the entire country along with his wife to Puntadewa, the eldest Pandava, son of King Pandu with Kunti. King Yudhishthira then transformed or combined in the body Puntadewa, until Puntadewa title King Yudhishthira. King Yudhishthira blood white symbolizes purity.

2. BIMA or Werkudara

Also known by the name; Balawa, Bratasena, Birawa Dandunwacana, Nagata, Kusumayuda, Kowara, Kusumadilaga, Pandusiwi, Bayusuta, Sena, or Wijasena. The second son of King Pandu Bima, King Country Astina with Dewi Kunti, the daughter of King Basukunti with Dewi Dayita from Mandura country. Bima has two siblings named: Puntadewa and Arjuna, and 2 other brothers mother, that is; Nakul and Sahadev. Bima have adequate nature and disposition; brave, steadfast, strong, courageous, obedient and honest. Milky has a privilege to play doubles specialist and has a variety of weapons, among others; Nails Pancanaka, Gada Rujakpala, Alugara, Bargawa (major axes) and Bargawasta, while ajian owned are; Bandungbandawasa Aji, Aji and Aji Blabakpangantol Ketuklindu-antol. Bima also have clothing that symbolizes the greatness that is; bun Pudaksategal, Fertilizer Jarot Asem, Sumping Surengpati, Kelatbahu Candrakirana, belt and pants Cinde Nagabanda Udaraga. While some of Gods gifts he received, among others; seam or fabric Poleng Bintuluaji, Candrakirana Bracelet, Necklace Nagasasra, Sumping Surengpati and fertilizer Pudak Jarot Asem. Bima lived in the Duchy Jodipati, Amarta state region. Bima has three wives and three children, namely:

1. Goddess Nagagini, berputra Arya Anantareja,

2. Goddess Arimbi, berputra Raden Gatotkaca and

3. Goddess Urangayu, berputra Arya Anantasena.

End of the Milky history is told, die perfect (moksa) together with the four siblings after the end of the war Bharatayuda.



Is the son of King Pandudewanata, king of countries Astinapura with Dewi Kunti / Dewi Pritchard daughter of King Basukunti, king Mandura country. Arjuna is the third child of five children one father, who was known as the Pandavas. Two brothers of the mother is Puntadewa and Bima / Werkudara.

Meanwhile, two other brothers mother, the son of Pandu with Madrim is Nakul and Sahadev. Arjuna a knight who likes to wander, meditate and learn their studies. In addition to being students at Padepokan Sukalima Resi Drona, he is also a disciple of the Hermitage Untarayana Padmanaba Resi. Arjuna had been in Goa Mintaraga Pandita, Bagawan Ciptaning title. Arjuna made good kadewatan destroy King Niwatakawaca, giant king of the country Manimantaka. For his services that, Arjuna was crowned as king in heaven Kaindran King Karitin degree and get a gift of heirloom-inheritance magic from the gods, among others; Gendewa (from Bathara Indra), Arrow Ardadadali (from Bathara Kuwera), Arrow Cundamanik (from Bathara Narada) . Arjuna also has other powerful heirloom-inheritance, other atara; Keris Kalanadah Kiai, Arrow rejected (from Resi Durna), Candranila Arrow, Arrow Sirsha, Kiai Sarotama Keris, Keris Kiai Varuna, Keris Pulanggeni (given in Abhimanyu), trumpet Dewanata, Cupu oil contains Jayengkaton (gift from hermitage Bagawan Wilawuk Pringcendani) and Horse Whips Kiai Ciptawilaha with Pamuk. While Arjuna ajian owned, among others: Panglimunan, Tunggengmaya, Sepiangin, Mayabumi, the Compassionate and Asmaragama. Arjuna has 15 wives and 14 children. His wife and his children are:

1. Goddess Sumbadra, berputra Raden Abhimanyu.

2. Dewi Lara, Sumitra and Bratalaras berputra Raden.

3. Goddess Heroine

4. Goddess Ulupi / Palupi, berputra Bambang Irawan

5. Goddess Jimambang, berputra Kumaladewa and Kumalasakti

6. Goddess Ratri, berputra Bambang Wijanarka

7. Goddess Dresanala, berputra Raden Wisanggeni

8. Goddess Wilutama, berputra Bambang Wilugangga

9. Goddess Manuhara, berputra Pregiwa and Endang Endang Pregiwati

10. Goddess Supraba, berputra Raden Prabakusuma

11. Goddess Antakawulan, berputra Bambang Antakadewa

12. Goddess Maeswara

13. Dewi Retno Kasimpar

14. Goddess Juwitaningrat, berputra Bambang Sumbada

15. Goddess Dyah Sarimaya.

Arjuna also has clothing that symbolizes greatness, namely; seam / Fabrics Limarsawo, Tie Waist Limarkatanggi, Minangkara coil, Mustika Ring Necklace Candrakanta and Ampal (formerly owned by King Ekalaya, king of countries Paranggelung).

Arjuna also has many names and nicknames, among others; Parta (war hero), Janaka (having many wives), Pemadi (handsome), Dananjaya, Kumbaljali, Ciptaning Mintaraga (holy priest), Pandusiwi, Indratanaya (son Bathara Indra), Jahnawi (agile trengginas), Palguna, Danasmara (ladies’ man) and Margana (helpful).

Arjuna has a characteristic disposition; Clever clever, reticent, thorough, polite, brave and like to protect the weak.

Duchy Madukara Arjunaa lead, within the territory of the Amarta. After the war Bhatarayuda, Arjuna became king at the State Banakeling, the former royal Jayadratha.

End of history is told Arjuna, he muksa (dead perfect) along with the four other brother.

4. Nakul


Nang in Javanese puppetry Pinten also referred to by name (the name of the plants whose leaves can be used as a drug) is the fourth son of King Pandudewanata, king of countries Astina with Madrim empress, daughter of King Mandrapati with Dewi Tejawati, from Mandaraka country. Nakul born twin with her sister, Sahadewa or Sadewa (Javanese puppetry), Nakul also a father should be entitled three brothers, sons of King Pandu with Kunti, from the state Mandura named; Puntadewa, Bima / Werkundara and Arjuna. Nakul is Bathara Aswi incarnation, the god Physician. Nakul adept at riding horses and clever use of weapons arrows and spears. Nakul not going to forget about everything that is known because he mepunyai Aji Pranawajati giving Ditya Sapujagad, Senapati Mretani country. Nakul has also cupu contain, “Banyu Panguripan or water of life” (tirtamaya) provision Bhatara Indra. Nakul has the character of an honest, loyal, obedient, compassion, knew back in order and can keep a secret. Nakul live in kesatrian Sawojajar, Amarta state region. Nakul had two wives, namely:

1. Goddess Sayati daughter of King Kridakirata, king Awuawulangit state, and

obtain two sons each named; Bambang

Pramusinta and Goddess Pramuwati.

2. Srengganawati goddess, daughter of Resi Badawanganala, giant tortoise

who live in the river / Narmada Wailu (according Purwacarita,

Badawanangala known as the king of country Gisiksamodra / Ekapratala)

and obtaining a princess named Dewi Sritanjung.

From the marriage of grace cupu Nakula get heirloom named Tirtamanik water-filled life. After finishing the war Bharatyuda, Nakul anointed king Mandaraka country as mandated by King Salya his mother’s sister, Madrim. End of history is told, Nakul die moksa with four brothers.

5. Sadewa or Sahadewa


In Javanese puppetry also referred to by name Tangsen (fruit from plants whose leaves can be used and used for medicine) is the son of the King Pandudewanata five or younger, king of countries Astina with Madrim empress, daughter of King Mandrapati with Dewi Tejawati of state Mandaraka . He was born twin with his brother, Nakul. Sadewa also has three brothers of the father, the son of King Pandu with Kunti, from the state Mandura, named; Puntadewa, Bima / Werkundara and Arjuna. Sadewa is bead Bathara Aswin, Dewayne Physician. Sadewa very adept in the science kasidan (Java) / a mystic. Adept at riding horses and proficient using the arrow and spear guns. In addition to very powerful, also has Aji Purnamajati Sadewa giving Ditya Sapulebu, Senapati Mretani countries which merit; can understand and remember clearly at all events. Sadewa have the character of an honest, loyal, obedient, compassion, knew back in order and can keep a secret. Sadewa live in kesatrian Bawenatalun / Bumiretawu, Amarta state region. Sadewa married with Dewi Srengginiwati, brother Dewi Srengganawati (Wife Nakul), daughter of Resi Badawanganala, giant tortoises that live on river / Narmada Wailu (according Purwacarita, known as the king of country Badawanangala Gisiksamodra / Ekapratala). From that marriage he obtained a son named Bambang Widapaksa / Sidapaksa). After finishing the war Bharatayuda, Sedewa became state governor Astina accompany King Kalimataya / King Yudhistrira. End of history in the telling, Sahadewa die moksa together into four siblings.

LEADERSHIP clown-servants: Semar, Petruk, Bagong-Gareng

Posted LEADERSHIP clown-servants: Semar, Petruk, Bagong-Gareng with links (tags) Bagong., PHILOSOPHY puppet, Gareng, Leadership, Mbilung, Petruk, clown-servants, Sarawita, semar, Tejamantri, Togog


KI headman BADRANAYA Semar, Nala Gareng,

Petruk KANTHONG perforated AND KI headman BAGONG

“Response and Limpat sasmita ing ing Grahita Place, and chakras-Manggilingan”

“Pinangka mrih hamemayu hayuning bawana”

“Puna” or “Pana” in Java terminology means to understand, bright, clear, thorough, understanding, clever in monitoring or observing the nature of meaning behind the events of natural events and happenings in human life. While the friend will also mean guardian or friend. So has the meaning of clown-servants that describes someone who is a friend, who has the ability to observe, analyze, and digest all of the phenomena and natural events and events in human life. Clown-servants can also mean a nanny, the tutor who has the intelligence of thought, sharpness of mind, cunning reason, broad horizons, attitude wise, and wise in all of science. His words were to be believed, between words and actions together, it is not contradictory. Javanese cultural treasures called it a “response sasmita ing, lan limpat ing pairs mentally disabled.” In terms have the meaning synonymous with puppet so-called wulucumbu the hair that grows on the big toe. The overall picture of personal character Village Ki Semar is useful in the effort to preserve the universe, and creating wealth and prosperity on earth motherland.

In Javanese wayang story, clown-servants are divided into two groups each have the same role as the spiritual and political advisor, but each character nurturing figure who contradict each other.

Village Ki Semar Group Badranaya

This group consists Semar, Gareng, Petruk, and Bagong (Sundanese: Cepot). They describe the group of clown-servants of honest, simple, sincere, do something selfless, but it has a very broad knowledge, clever, and very sharp mind’s eye. Village Ki Semar, in particular, has a heart that “nyegoro” or area of the ocean and her clairvoyance and kapramanan deep ocean. Only a true warrior who will be nurturing Ki Semar Village. Semar essentially as a demigod, which served to carry / woman, the true warrior.

Village Ki Semar also called Begawan Ismaya or Hyang Ismaya, because its existence is very mysterious as the son of Sang Hyang Tunggal instance mangejawantah god. While nicknames Ismaya means not form a wadag / physical, but that there is in a state of vague / semar. In uthak-athik-gathuk in Java, Ki Semar can mean a true teacher (true spirit), which is in our identity. True Guru is the essence of the highest substance contained in our bodies. So it is not unlikely if the essence of a true teacher who is symbolized in the form Ki Semar Village, has the ability pendita word queen, saliva was spit fire (idu geni). What is spoken true teacher is very fortunate, because his words are God’s will. The knight who was raised by Village Ki Semar very lucky that his country would be a fairly prosperous, gamah ripah, cheap food and clothing, serene, always avoid a disaster.

The task starts from the leadership of King clown-servants Herjuna Sasrabahu Maespati country, the country’s King Ramawijaya Pancawati, Raden Sakutrem Plasajenar satria, satria Wiwaha Raden Arjuna from Madukara, Raden warrior Abhimanyu from Plangkawati, and King Parikesit Ngastina country. Village Ki Semar is always invoked as Kakang elder and, because of elder in the figurative sense that is very high spiritual science, magic mandraguna, vast experience in the face of bitter getirnya life. Even the gods were called as “Kakang”.

The group is tasked with clown-servants:

1. Accompany (serve) the bendhara (boss) of his noble character in attitude. Task clown-servants are as “helpers” or servant as well as “mentors”. His job took place from time to time.

2. In the puppet story, this group more as a spiritual advisor, pamomong, sometimes contributes as friends mingle, comfort in times of trouble.

3. In the style slightly joking percengkeramaannya parikena or advice, suggestions and criticism in ways that smooth, encapsulated in the form of words and sentences antics. But in it is always contained an implied meaning of the various suggestions and proposals, and as pepeling will always be aware of and attitudes that must be executed waspadha firmly by the jumeneng bendharanya as great knight.

4. On certain occasions clown-servants to act as an entertainer while the bendhara experiencing grief.

5. In essence, Ki Semar et al headman in charge of the knights took care to always do good or kareping Rahsa (lust al Mutmainah). In Islamic terminology may be commensurate with the term amr ma’ruf.

The character of the knight is: fine, noble character, patient, sincere, likes to help, alert and vigilant, and wise.

Village Ki Group Togog

This group consists of three personnel namely: Ki Lurah Togog (Sarawita) and Mbilung. This clown-servants on duty to accompany her character bendhara dur namely the Queen Sabrang greedy. Call it like King Mandura Balarama in the country, the country’s Basukarna Ngawangga King, King Dasamuka (Ravana) in the country Ngalengka, King Niwatakawaca in Faith-Imantaka country and a few knights of the intangible Sabrangan countries (in character), a giant, ill-tempered, stupid, but loyal in principle. Village headman Togog also called Tejamantri. Ki et al Togog outlines are there to prevent her care that dur greedy, to always be aware and waspadha, leaving all the bad qualities, and all the negative passions. Some of their tasks include:

1. They speak out to always provide corrections, criticisms and suggestions bendhara continuously to her.

2. Giving his pepeling to bendhara for always being aware of and do not obey the will of lust waspadha body (rahsaning karep).

The picture is actually projecting the same character in human beings (the universe alit). As described above that both knights have different characters and contradictory to each other. Its meaning, in a small universe (human identity), there are two inherent properties, namely on the one hand the properties of goodness that emanates from the true Cahyo (nurulah) penetrated into the true soul (ruhulah). And on the other hand there are bad qualities in the body or corporeal. Knights of good character is represented by a group Pendawa Lima and his ancestors. While the knight is a bad character is represented by a group Kurawa 100. although they each already have advisory clown-servants, but still there were wars between these two groups of knights. It illustrates how serious upheaval that occurred in the elite universe of man, between lust negative with a positive passion. So the puppet story portrayed by the war between the knight momongan Brontoyudho Village Ki Ki Semar with knights momongan Togog. Between Supervisory against Kurawa 100. Between the positive lust against lust negative. Battlefield amid Padhang Kurusetra, which is nothing but describe the human heart.

Meaning Behind the Symbols clown-servants

1. Village Ki Semar (symbol of peace and safety of life)

Semar course will discuss at length as there is no end point. Semar as a symbol of the human father of Java. Even in the book Jayabaya term, Semar is used to appoint counsel kings in the land of Java who has lived more than 2500 years. In this case Ki Semar Lurah no other is Sabdapalon and Ki Ki Nayagenggong, two twin brothers Kings spiritual advisor. His figure is very mysterious, as if between real and unreal, but if you see signs of people who deny will be in doubt. Village Ki Semar and Nayagenggong Sabdapalon context is the father or his Dahyang Java man. According Jayabaya term later twins will be present again after 500 years since the fall of Majapahit to give lessons on human momongannya Java (archipelago). If his return is calculated, which ranges from between 2005 and 2011. So for the knights momongannya Ki Semar Village is like a talisman; may Siji dirumat tour. In addition to being advisory, clown-servants will be a helper and savior / protector when the knights momongannya in danger.

In the story of wayang Ki Semar jumeneng Village as an Begawan, but he at once as a symbol of the commoners. So Ki Semar headman was also called a demigod. In a spiritual perspective, Ki Semar Lurah character represents a simple, quiet, humble, sincere, not hypocritical, it is never too sad and never laugh too brightly. Mental state is very mature, not kagetan and not gumunan. Village Ki Semar away the calm water like, behind the calm attitude saved genius, mental sharpness, rich life experience and knowledge. Village Ki Semar figure illustrates the patient, sincere, loving, good keepers, guardians of truth and avoid acts dur-greedy. Village Ki Semar was also called Badranaya, meaning Badra is the moon, Naya face. Or Nayantaka, Naya is a face, taka: pale. Both mean that Semar has a character symbolizing the moon (see thread: Heritage Hasta Brata). And a figure that has a pale face, meaning that no indulgence in lust Semar. Semareka den Prayitna: semare means to euthanize themselves, in order that his mind was always alert. So which is put to sleep senses from turbulent flame or negative passions. This is the value behind the death sentence sajroning urip wani (dare die on in life). Actions always netepi nature Hyang Widhi (resigned), by turning off the negative passions. Such attitudes will be articulated into the attitude of the character of our daily wantun in the association, ‘pale’ is not easy emotionally cool, calm and dignified, not rage and trembling if abused, verbally, do not forget yourself if praised, as the character Badranaya or face the moon.

In the spiritual realm of Java, especially regarding the concept of subjects manunggaling Gusti, Ki Semar Village to become the personification of every human nature a true teacher. Semar is vague, as a symbol of a true teacher or a true soul rather than its form vaguely real form or wadag, and not invisible. Meanwhile, Lima was the personification of the Supervisory bodies / agencies in which there are five senses. Because of the nature of the bodies / agencies tend to become complacent and weak, then no matter how well the body of a knight, still had to be nurtured and supervised by the teacher always true for eling and waspadha. In order that the bodies / agencies have a determination on the teacher’s teaching of true goodness. True Guru is the controlling person to remain in the “behavior” the proper, publishing and on bebener corridor. Who is abandoned by pamomong Ki Semar and Gareng Village, Petruk, Bagong, he would be damned, if the knight then his country will get a lot of havoc, such as: accidents, disasters, disease outbreaks (pageblug), famine. All that as bebendu because man (warrior) who abandoned his true teachers have been out of line bebener.

If viewed from the political perspective, the clown-servants Village Ki Semar and his sons Gareng, Petruk, Bagong as a symbol of the institution undertaking the aspirations of the people suffering of the people. Or sort of legislature. So this clown-servants group served as a mouthpiece for the people, make criticisms, advice, and suggestions. Obligation as a controller, supervisor, supervising the running of the government under the care Satria Pendhawa Lima as a symbol of the executive body or government agency. With this picture, actually in the tradition of Java since the past has been known for a democratic political system.

2. Nala Gareng

Nala is the liver, Gareng (crisp) means dry, or gering, which means suffering. Nala Gareng means the liver is suffering. Its meaning is the symbol of “behavior” is concerned. But Nala Gareng also translated as determination. In fiber-Wedhatama mentioned gumeleng agolong gilig. It is a determination that any actions not always lead to any self-interest, but only for natural netepi Hyang Manon. Nala Gareng become a symbol of sorrow, sadness, miserable. As shown in physical form Gareng Nala is a set of symbols that imply the following meanings:

Eyes squint:

Left eye pointing upwards and sideways. Nala meaning Gareng always concentrate his mind to Hyang Widhi.

Crooked Arm or throbbing pain / czech:

Praise be to Allaah symbolizes man can not do anything when not on the nature or the will Hayng Widhi.

Lame leg, if it runs while tiptoe:

This means that Nala is a human Gareng very cautious in moving or in making decisions. Physical state nala Gareng this imperfect human being should be reminded that careful and cautious in this life because aware of human nature is full of weaknesses and shortcomings.

Mouth Gareng:

Mouth Gareng weird and funny-shaped, symbolizing he did not articulate, sometimes the target speech railing (stained) abysmally. Talk and his go awry, because it does not feel confident. However Nala Gareng many have friends, both on the part of friend and foe alike. This excess Nala Gareng, which become very useful in business negotiations and seeking relationships, so that Nala Gareng often act as peacemaker, and as opening the way for negotiations. Indeed with so many flaws in himself that, Nala Gareng often spared from harm and distress.

3. Petruk Kanthong Bolong

Village Ki Petruk is the son of King Gandarwa child taken by the Village Ki Semar. Petruk has aliases, namely Dawala. Dawa means the length, la, la means or ugly. It’s a long, ugly physical appearance. Nose, ears, mouth, feet and long arms. But do not be hasty in judging, because the headman Petruk is taxable kinira tan creature, let me physically ugly but he can not figure who allegedly about. This picture is going disposition Ki pralambang Lurah long Petruk mind, meaning that no grusah Petruk-grusuh (rash) in the act, he will carefully calculate the profit and loss, or risk going to a plan and actions to be performed. Petruk Kanthong Bolong, illustrates that Petruk has a very extensive patience, his heart like a Samodra, her loose, and his feelings perforated plong nothing to hide, do not like grumbling and grumbling.





























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